The Pitjantjatjara peoples of the remote community at Tjuntjuntjara, in the Great Victoria Desert, 400 miles east of Kalgoorlie in Western Australia, are known as the Spinifex People. They have had a troubled recent history: removed from their traditional homelands in the 1950s to allow for the Maralinga Atomic testing programme, they were only permitted to return during the 1980s – eventually securing Native Title in 2001.
The Spinifex Arts Project, initiated in 1996, has been an important element in the process of recording and reaffirming the community’s ancient connection with their traditional lands. In 2005 a group of senior artists – including Roy Underwood, Fred Grant and Simon Hogan – came to London, and to the Rebecca Hossack Art Gallery, for Ilkurlka - a ground-breaking exhibition of Spinifex art.