Reniel Del Rosario
Ancient Attic Greek Vessel in the Form of a Hare, 2023
24 x 22 x 14 cm
9 1/2 x 8 1/2 x 5 1/2 in
9 1/2 x 8 1/2 x 5 1/2 in
Ancient Attic Greek vessel in the form of a hare Unknown Greek craftsman Attic Greek drinking vessels occasionally come in the shape of an animal, in this case a hare....
Ancient Attic Greek vessel in the form of a hare
Unknown Greek craftsman
Attic Greek drinking vessels occasionally come in the shape of an animal, in this case a hare. Along with this shape, these drinking vessels also sometimes tell Greek mythology; this vessel tells the story of Zeus creating shrimp. It is myth lost in time with very little details aside from the fact that a hare is involved somehow; historians theorize that, like many other Greek tales, Zeus either turned into a rabbit or shrimp to procreate with a woman unwillingly and somehow created the other being.
Purchase through the Maija P.B. Endowment Fund
Unknown Greek craftsman
Attic Greek drinking vessels occasionally come in the shape of an animal, in this case a hare. Along with this shape, these drinking vessels also sometimes tell Greek mythology; this vessel tells the story of Zeus creating shrimp. It is myth lost in time with very little details aside from the fact that a hare is involved somehow; historians theorize that, like many other Greek tales, Zeus either turned into a rabbit or shrimp to procreate with a woman unwillingly and somehow created the other being.
Purchase through the Maija P.B. Endowment Fund