Kathleen Ngal

Kathleen began her art career in the late 1970s in the medium of batik with over eighty other women from the Utopia Region in Central Australia. Her work in batik is featured in Utopia A Picture Story.
When the acrylics on canvas movement swept Utopia in the late 1980's, Kathleen like the other women swiftly changed mediums. Kathleen's popularity as an artist grew in the early 2000's for her simplistic 'Anwekety' paintings. Her work has been exhibited around the globe and is also featured frequently in Aboriginal Art Auctions.
Kathleen could speak little English, but absolutely loved to talk, in particular about her Dreamings and her country. She was enthusiastic about her work and continued to try and teach the wider world about her paintings and the Anwekety that features in them. 
This amazingly energetic elderly woman had a vibrant quality in her work that is unbeatable. Kathleen's paintings reflect her energy and colour. The paintings are being well received not only amongst the traditional Aboriginal art collectors, but the new wave of art lovers wanting to incorporate the element of traditional style of the indigenous people, and take advantage of the amazing colour combination and effect of Kathleen's paintings. 
We can be thankful that Kathleen imparted her knowledge and tradition in such a beautiful way and hope that the world continues to show their appreciation of this woman's tradition and story. 